A solution of copper sulfate and quicklime used as a fungicide. 硫酸铜和生石灰的溶液,用作杀真菌剂。
Effects of accumulated copper sulfate on protective system of Charybdis japonica 硫酸铜蓄积对日本?体内保护酶系统的影响
Hydrated blue crystalline form of copper sulfate. 硫酸铜的一种含水的蓝色晶体。
Preservatives in common use include arsenic, copper sulfate and creosote etc. 常用防腐剂包括砷、硫酸铜和木馏油。
The preparation of zinc sulfate heptahydrate and copper sulfate pentahydrate from calcined zincblende was investigated. 用经高温煅烧后的闪锌矿石与稀硫酸反应制备七水硫酸锌和五水硫酸铜。
Production practice of using hydro-purification copper slag to prepare copper sulfate 利用湿法净化铜渣制取硫酸铜的生产实践
What is copper sulfate solution? 麦提铜溶液是什玫颜色?
Bioleaching, involves the biological oxidation of copper present in these ores to produce soluble copper sulfate. 生物萃取包括把含在这些矿石中的铜生物氧化并生成可溶的CuS04。
Benedict's solution: a solution of sodium citrate, sodium carbonate, and copper sulfate that changes from blue to yellow or red in the presence of reducing sugars, such as glucose. 本尼迪克特试剂:一种柠檬酸钠、碳酸钠和硫酸铜的溶液,当加入还原糖,如葡萄糖时,其颜色由蓝变为黄或红色。
That sulfuric acid reacts with copper, forming copper sulfate is known to most people. 大多数人都知道,硫酸与铜化合起反应,生成硫酸铜。
Waste Recycling and Treatment in Shangluo Smeltery(ⅲ); Production practice of using hydro-purification copper slag to prepare copper sulfate 商洛冶炼厂废渣回收与处理(Ⅲ)&由铜渣制备氮肥厂铜洗液利用湿法净化铜渣制取硫酸铜的生产实践
Evaluation of Tin Coatings on Bronzes of Ancient China; Iron or steel placed in copper sulfate also receives a loose immersion deposit. 春秋时期镀锡青铜器镀层结构和耐腐蚀机理研究铁或钢放入硫酸铜中,也会生成疏松的浸镀层。
Methylmercury was extracted from the homogenized tissue with toluene in the presence of copper sulfate, sodium bromide and sulfuric acid. 在存在硫酸铜、溴化钠和硫酸的情况下,用甲基从组织匀浆中萃取甲基汞。
In their recommendations to Parliament in 1999, the Committee on European Communities noted that copper sulfate, in particular, was far more dangerous than the synthetic alternative. 欧洲共同体委员会1999年提交给国会的建议中指出尤其是硫酸铜与同类合成农药相比危险性要大得多。
Iron or steel placed in copper sulfate also receives a loose immersion deposit. 铁或钢放入硫酸铜中,也会生成疏松的浸镀层。
Studies have shown that copper sulfate, pyrethrins, and rotenone all can be detected on plants after harvest-for copper sulfate and rotenone, those levels exceeded safe limits. 研究表明作物收获以后仍能查到硫酸铜、除虫菊酯和鱼藤酮的存在,硫酸铜和鱼藤酮的含量水平超出了安全线。
Similarly, the FDA has known for a while that chronic exposure to copper sulfate can lead to anemia and liver disease. 同样地,食品及药物管理局早就知道长期接触硫酸铜会导致贫血和肝脏疾病。
The influence of phytic acid and additive added in molybdate-passivation solution for tinplate on the corrosion resistance of the passivation film was studied by copper sulfate spot test and electrochemical method. 采用硫酸铜点滴试验和电化学测试方法,研究了在钼酸盐溶液中加入植酸和添加剂对镀锡钢板钝化膜的影响。
When adding magnesium sulfate, copper sulfate and vitamin, the mycelia growth was improved. 添加硫酸铜、硫酸镜、维生素可促进菌丝生长,在缺乏碳素营养和氨京营养的培养基上菌丝不生长。
Methods Aspirin and copper sulfate were used to synthesize aspirin copper. 方法利用阿司匹林和硫酸铜合成阿司匹林铜;
Preparation of Activated Zinc Oxide and Copper Sulfate from Spent Methanol Catalyst 用废甲醇催化剂制备活性氧化锌和五水硫酸铜
Process research of removing arsenic and iron in copper sulfate 硫酸铜脱除砷、铁的工艺研究
The chemical analysis methods of sulfate acid, copper sulfate and sub-iron sulfate contents are given. 给出容量法分析硫酸、硫酸铜和硫酸亚铁含量的化学分析方法。
Copper layer of different colour can be electrodeposited from a copper sulfate solution containing n-butyl alcohol and hydrogen peroxide. 在含有正丁醇和过氧化氧的硫酸铜溶液中可以获得不同颜色的镀层。
This paper studied the oxidation reaction of benzaldehyde with hydrogen peroxide on the no catalyst, copper sulfate, copper and oil of vitriol. 研究了在无催化剂及以硫酸铜、金属铜、浓硫酸为催化剂的不同条件下,过氧化氢对苯甲醛的氧化反应。
Copper sulfate in acid copper plating bath was determined by spectrophotometry with EDTA as chromogenic agent. 用EDTA作显色剂,通过光度法测定酸性镀铜液中硫酸铜的含量。
The conditions of production of copper sulfate by air oxidation in liquid phase were discussed. 对液相空气氧化法制取硫酸铜的生产条件进行了研究。
Copper sulfate for electroplating was obtained from agricultural copper sulfate after removing impurities. 将农用硫酸铜经一系列脱杂处理,得到电镀用硫酸铜。
Copper sulfate can improve the floatability of pyrite, getting a higher sulfur recover rate in asynchronous flotation. 硫酸铜能改善黄铁矿的可浮性,使其具有较好的可浮性,使异步浮选能获得较高的硫的回收率。